Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Release the ferals


Saturday 29 May 2010 Wellington

Feral art…

- is any art that acts to resolve, highlight and poke a stick at social and environmental contradictions and discriminations
– says that all people, acting as artists, have the right to speak - through their chosen art forms - to wage a new regime in the art world – often against the vested interests of the industrialization of art through corporate, agents, national and local body controls over the freedom of languages to speak
– often employs humour but is not constrained thereby
– is mainly expressed outside the traditional art gallery and funding systems
– is mainly done within the bounds of current law
– employs any mise en scene, media, environment and art form to achieve its expression
– aims to change the world, shift the status quo – to make it a far fairer, healthier and better place
– engages and attracts individuals and groups to either anonymously or otherwise achieve its aims
– is boundless feralism in, mainly, direct action
– can test but will not harm, hurt or endanger, threaten or abuse anyone or any thing
– is owned by no-one and is utterly not for profit
– has no structure, organization or property – its is utterly a peoples movement of the likeminded
– is artist mandated art - not curatorial manipulation of artists to conform to what amounts to curatorial art - using artists as their paint brushes

b’art Homme
Aro Valley